Sunday, July 22, 2012

Reorganize and Recharge!

I won't lie - I've been in a bit of a crafty slump lately.  I'm going to say for multiple reasons, mainly because I can't put my finger on one specific reason for my lack of ambition.
There is, however, one thing that stuck in the back of my mind.  Something that always breaks up the creative process no matter what.  Yes, it's the dreaded unorganized studio.
So...last weekend I hauled EVERYTHING out.  Well, except the desk and the table. I have all of my supplies divided by type in my reusable grocery bags (which worked quite well, I have to add).  They are slowly making their way back into the room.  There will be a lot more reorganizing today - interspersed with writing ideas or sketching possible projects (because a fresh look at some supplies gives me all new perspective).  I anticipate that the room will be semi-functional in a couple of days.  Within the next two weeks, I expect perfection.  (Read: I need to buy more organizational supplies next payday, but until then I can make do.)  Keep an eye out, and soon you will see the new, reorganized, Ok Millie studio!!!