Monday, May 16, 2016

Ok, Millie is back with new focus!

Or I'm still focusing the same really - just more intent.

I took a long look at how I was working on my art, my Etsy, my creative plans. If you see my work space, my supplies, you would see what I consider my creative chaos. And it was beginning to feel chaotic. What is Ok, Millie? What is my purpose, my focus, my mission statement for what I create? I make so many different things, and that's how I like it!

So, how do I combine all these ideas into one plan and focus?

Then it clicked. My purpose is re-purposing! Every item I create has at least one piece that has been re-purposed or contains a recycled material. I don't want all these wonderful things to end up in a landfill or worse, just littering the ground somewhere. Sure, I buy basics at craft stores and online - but my main source of materials are second hand stores like Goodwill, art surplus stores and gifts of art supplies from friends even!

This motivation goes back to my grandparents. From the generation who lived through the Great Depression - saving everything was essential to them. As I grew up, I saw that they never wasted anything. I still remember stacks of magazines in their homes; and I am ever thankful because those stacks gave me some amazing school projects. (National Geographic is a wonderful resource for rich pictures for a fifth grader, just for the record).

Now that stack of magazines is surrounded by old board game pieces, half full bottles of paint and glitter from art surplus stores, and a myriad of other reclaimed items waiting to be re-purposed into art, jewelry and other gifts!

Going forward, here is what I will be focusing on in the blog:

  • What's new in the Etsy shop, and what I'm working on
  • Creative ideas I'm trying out from other websites - things you can make too!
  • Shopping adventures to re-claim more materials!
  • Other cool ideas - including my favorite - meals that are easy and healthy (and some that can cook while you get to spend more time in the studio- or meals that turn into works of art)
I really hope you will join me on this adventure! Saving the planet and making really cool stuff along the way!