Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Treasure of the Week!

Here is this week's treasure, a little late but totally worth it.

So this is the deal - I absolutely love to craft (obviously) but I also have a lot of crafty friends (you have seen many already!). I love highlighting these people because
A. They are super talented
B. Because of their awesomeness

So, without further adieu - here is this week's treasure!
Jess is an amazing crafter (and an amazing veterinarian I must add). Please check out here Etsy site and blog! I hope you love it!

And just to give you a hint of what she makes - check this out! Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

No I didn't forget....

Hi all! I didn't forget the treasure of the week - don't worry! It was a combo of trying to pick the perfect thing to feature and also this delightful change-of-season just-annoying-enough cough that have kept me from writing. But I digress.
Today's treasure of the week is somewhat related to another one.
This week's Treasure is the bellydance troupe known as Bint Hazine! This troupe is run out of the Phoenix, Arizona area and I have had the chance to meet many of them as well as dance with AdeebA Korsana! Whenever I visit the area, I make sure to catch a performance, or at least hang out with some of the girls at a rehearsal!
So without further is Bint Hazine!
Also check out their facebook page at!/bint.hazine Enjoy and dance on!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Random post - Changing my decision making process, or learning how to pay it forward.

I felt the need to write about my interesting experience last night. Not because it hasn't happened before, but because my reaction has changed about this type of situation. (Disclaimer - I am not saying I am going to walk around doing this every day, but I have my moments. And if anything like this makes you get the serious bad-feeling heebie-jeebies, make the best decision you can).

Onward. Ok, so as my hubby and I left a restaurant late last night, a man stopped us outside. He explained that he was jobless and had no money to feed himself and his child. He also told us how he had been asking people and how one man offered his food, then dumped it on the street. We talked with him for what seemed like a while, but in all honesty it couldn't have been more than fifteen minutes. He never asked for anything at all. Not once.

And then I did something I never thought I would do voluntarily. I had some extra cash (not a lot) and gave it to him and asked if it would help. Honestly, he looked like he was going to break down. (btw - no, he didn't look like he was needing any sort of fix - and yes, I am pretty good at knowing the signs). He told us he wished he could do something in return. I knew he couldn't so - I told him to think of this in the future and pay it forward. As we parted ways, he thanked us again and told us we were both angels.

I did this because I
-know how it is to have almost no money, thankfully I have an amazing supportive family.
-about a year ago someone helped me change my blown tire, and I tried to give them some cash, and they simply told me to pay it forward.
-I realized that the money I gave him might just be spent on something I don't really need. And he needed food. That's a little more important.

In summary, I realized, as of late, that we are all human and my compassion for the world has been growing exponentially. And to the man we met - I hope you find whatever help you need.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Treasure of the Week!

It's that time again! What, oh, what will the treasure be today? Hmmm.....
I think I am going to highlight another wonderful vegan product this week, mainly because I find their products to be outstanding. Today I give some due credit to...
Gardein (namely their beefless tips)
Yes, they are beef-less. But are they amazing? Heck yes and easy to make! Simply saute them up, and my personal favorite ways (so far) are to add a mushroom gravy or also warm the sauteed tips in some barbeque sauce. I have even fooled the occasional omnivore friend with these. I will definitely be trying out some more recipes - soon to follow! So, in closing, thank you Gardein! Can't wait to try more and more of your new products!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Treasure of the Week - fashionably late!

Ok, so I missed blogging last week and somehow missed Monday this week. Back to work I say!
That would make this blog a double feature!
The first Treasure of the Week (I must pay tribute) is the late Davy Jones of the Monkees.
Not a day goes by that I don't play a Monkees song while working on some Ok, Millie crafts. We will miss you, Davy. <3
On to my next treasure of the week.
My friend Sarah is an amazing artist, and I decided to feature her Etsy shop as a treasure of the week. Find adorable notecards on her site!
And also check out her blog! !!! Enjoy!